The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp

The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp
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The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire ShrimpVampire Shrimp are peaceful on the bashful side they enjoy small places to conceal and they are one of the types freshwater algae eaters in the aquarium. At the same time, Vampire Shrimp looks quite social with other filter shrimp. They seem to be quite secure hanging out with other freshwater shrimp, particularly Bamboo Shrimp in the water current.

We’d no idea they were filter feeders (such as the Flower Shrimp) and would not damage a water flea. We do need to acknowledge that “vampire shrimp” seems much more alluring than “African filter shrimp.” However, should you treat your vampire shrimp precisely like a Bloom Shrimp, you will do just fine.

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Additionally, it is recording from the east shore of South America; these people may represent another species and yet, the genus is not well analysed. Their natural history is not well-recorded.

The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp 2
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The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp

Serving Diet

Vampire algae eating shrimp food consists mostly of good plant matter in the water, touches of uneaten fish food, and likely miniature microorganisms that are edible floating in the tank which is too little to observed.

Read also other types of algae eaters here.

Along with this, it recommended supplementing their diet with food composed of groundfish pellets, shrimp pellets, algae wafers that are finely ground, or little flakes. A pinch or two in the time will create the shrimp square was hit by the food particles in its filter fans. After several attempts, it is simple to get the hang of it.


Colouring of the species can fluctuate from a creamy white to an almost rust brown, in addition to a great azure. It is thought the water conditions will change tougher water causes the blue morph and coloring. These shrimp have always been known to change coloring many times in precisely the same year.


Best kept in community tanks with somewhat bigger fish or like size tetra. Shouldn’t be kept with exceptionally aggressive fish or cichlids. Won’t hurt community tank members. Dwarf shrimp may also place on this particular species.

The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp 3
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Harmonious Species

African fan shrimp do extremely well in same-species groups; I also have kept them with Atyopsis moluccensis Singapore wood shrimp, Japanese marsh shrimp, Caridina japonica Neocardina denticulate, and cherry shrimp.

Little, peaceful community fish for example guppies, zebra danios, barbs that are cherry and so forth are also great, but please see the feeding warnings previously.

Life span

Vampire Shrimp lifespan changes, but some can live some years. I have had and I have heard stories five years, where some have been shoving. Having said that, it is not unusual for Vampire Shrimp to expire soon after being added to a tank. Alternatively, it might also be due to only the status of the shrimp, or the pressure of being transported.


As applies to the majority of filter feeding shrimp breeding is extremely uncommon in captivity. Most are caught. They are going to set a land in a cavern or another dark area if you are able to get them to breed. They are egg layers look carefully throughout the tank.

That’s the information on The Good Algae Eating Shrimp in Freshwater Aquarium: Vampire Shrimp. Hopefully, this information can be useful for you.

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