Fast Growing Aquarium Plants “Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss”

Fast Growing Aquarium Moss Plants Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss | Fast Growing Aquarium Plants “Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss” – Taiwan moss is a moss plant that grows sideways. It has supple and subtle leaves. This plant is pretty Moss plant. It’s easy to plant and easy to design in an aquarium. This Moss Plant has a form like Spiky Moss, but it most supple than Spiky Moss. It tends to grow laterally than upwards.

Taiwan Moss has scientific Taxiphyllum Alternans (Cardot) Z. Iwatsuki. This moss plant native from regions with temperate to subtropical climates like Eastern Asia and South-east of the USA. In nature habitat, it lives on the ground, exposed tree roots, on rocks, on the waterfall, on the rivulet, and rotting woods.

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Taiwan Moss is one of the aquatic plants that require no additional co2 with medium or low light needs. These plants can live in a tank with the temperature below 30 degrees. That’s plant will faster growing than other moss types and the grow speed same as a spiky moss.

Fast Growing Aquarium Moss Plants Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss

Fast Growing Aquarium Plants “Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss”

Taiwan Moss plant is easy to caring off, and it can attached on planting forms like driftwood or stone. In the aquarium, It can be placement in the midground and background area. For propagated just dividing it into each section and then sticking this moss plant onto planting form with fishing line, thread or aquatic plants glue.

Fast Growing Aquarium Moss Plants Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss

Fast Growing Aquarium Plants “Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss”

This moss plant will grow faster with the highlighting but must be adjusted to the temperature in order to grow optimally. This plant can live in emerged and that’s will grow fast than planting in submerged.

Fast Growing Aquarium Moss Plants Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss

Fast Growing Aquarium Plants “Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss”

For maintenance, just trimming it by plant scissors, while it already became too long and covered some of the planting forms in the tank so that it will look neat and beautiful. That’s all about Taxiphyllum Alternans Called Taiwan Moss whose it’s one of Fast Growing Aquarium Plants category. Plese, see our related articles about Aquarium Plants, here.

Plant Profile

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Bryophyta
  • Class: Bryopsida
  • Order: Hypnales
  • Family: Hypnaceae
  • Genus: Taxiphyllum
  • Origin: Eastern Asia, South-east of the USA
  • Scientific Name: Taxiphyllum Alternans (Cardot) Z. Iwatsuki
  • Common Name: Taiwan Moss
  • Difficulty: Very Easy
  • Aquarium Suitability: Yes
  • Placement: Midground, background and growing on hardscape
  • pH: 5.0 – 7.0
  • Temperature: 15 – 28 Degree Celcius (59 – 82.4 F)
  • Water Hardness: 0 – 13
  • Availability: Uncommon
  • Maximal Height: 5 Cm
  • Maximal Width: 10 Cm
  • Lighting Requirement: Medium – High
  • Growth Speed: Fast
  • Tank Placement: Foreground, Midground, and Background
  • Can Live Emersed: Yes
  • Suitable for Beginner: Yes

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