The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima”

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium Anubias Minima

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima – This plant exceptional growing in an assortment of terrarium or aquarium states, perfect and simple for novices. Compact leaves, slim. Creates blooms. Adaptable to the range of pH conditions and water hardness.

Optimum development slow encourages undemanding and growing plant that is soil. Better to plant in shade or low light to limit alga growing on leaves.

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To propagate, cut the rhizome into a couple of bits, ensure leaves on all sections. When putting this plant, don’t bury the rhizome into the substrate. Readily fasten with fishing line or thread to stone or driftwood.

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium Anubias Minima

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima”


Anubias Minima (Anubias barteri var glabra minima) is a well-known mid-earth aquarium plant on the list of aquarium fish keepers. It belongs under order Alismatales of Angiospers group to the family Araceae. Anubias Barteri Var Glabra Minima or called Anubias Minima was first described by N. E Brown in 1901. The genus “Anubias” was named from Egyptian God that’s “Anubis”, the god of the afterlife.

You can read another article about Anubias Species, here.

Home and attention

Anubias Minima is well suited for both beginners and seasoned fish keepers because of its minimal requirements and hardiness and is undemanding. It conforms to a broad array of conditions including high light or low light. The light should be on 10-14 hours a day. Sand, gravel, soil or decorative rocks may be utilized for its better development. It can grow in a protection tank with really low lighting or lighting state that is high. This plant ought to be attached to hardscape including stone or wood and substrate. To prevent algae growing it ought putting this plant in shaded places. It provides a lovely green color in aquarium state. It may put in an aquarium with or with no use of fertilizers. Optimum development encourages. Without CO2 and iron, it grows with one leaf per month.

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium Anubias Minima

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima”

But in the best state, it creates more or two leaves per month. In this case, care ought to be taken to prevent more algae growing on the leaves. Additionally, it may grow in standing water, although they usually grow in running water. It’s best suited to a medium to the bigger aquarium and ought to set in the mid-earth to background location in the aquarium. It might be placed in an aquarium with rough species like Malawi and African Cichlids because of its demanding and durability. Particular attention ought to be taken off the rhizome as well as the roots when this plant in the aquarium.


Propagation is readily done with proper care in aquarium state. Be certain the rhizome is consistently over the surface until the rhizome has grown when it’s set on the substrate. It becomes root, as well as the plants, dies off. After few days the new cutting anchors it to the substrate and generate roots itself and starts growing.

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium Anubias Minima

The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima”

Plant Profile

Common Name: Anubias Minima
Family Name: Araceae
Native To Africa
Lighting: Low-Medium
pH: 6-8
Levels: Easy
Growth Form: Spreading Rhizome
Growth Rate: Slow
Pure Aquatic: Yes
Placement: Midground

That’s about The Best Beginner Plants For Aquarium “Anubias Minima”, you can read other articles about Anubias Plant Types, here.

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